Thursday, November 5, 2009

MIT's Affective Intelligent Driving Agent AIDA

Looking more like  a robotic rendition of "Gir"  from Invader Zim, MIT and Audi have teamed up to  create a dashboard-mounted A.I. system that is all in one. AIDA is a data collecting unit, evaluating and amassing information on such venues as local events, environmental data, traffic and gas station locations, and combines it all with careful analysis of your travel habits to make traveling  suggestions and note points of interest easier to navigate around town.

AIDA learns your habits and over a period of time, it will be able to guide you around traffic to your regular destinations or let you know when there is a local event happening in your area to your liking. For a sample of how it works, just click on the video link below.

Source: engadget MIT's (video)

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