Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Breaking: GM Sees Demand Out Stripping Supply With The Chevy Volt

General Motors has already said the Chevrolet Volt will be in short supply at launch. But that isn't stopping Bob Lutz from going out and talking about how popular the hybrid already is -- even though it hasn't gone on sale. Lutz told Automotive News that the promotional efforts GM has laid on thick are working. Once the car is further along in the production process, Lutz says GM will "pull out the heavy artillery and get Volt buzz" going, hinting that a short-term test drive/lease like Project Driveway is being considered. 

Over 50,000 people have signed up on the "want list" at GM-Volt.com, more than doubling since the Volt debuted. To keep up with projected demand, GM's Dave Barthmuss repeatedly told attendees at this weekend's Alt Car expo in Santa Monica that the automaker will build "tens of thousands" of Volt units in the first year. For comparison, Nissan has collected names of about 22,000 people interested in the all-electric Leaf in the two months since it was unveiled.

 [Source: Automotive News – Sub. Req.]

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